Top Ten Mindfulness Tips for Staying Healthy During These Uncertain Times and Beyond

Life sure has a different rhythm these days, doesn’t it? While we are striving to maintain a balance of work and life, there is no question that if there ever was a time to stay as healthy as possible, this is it! We may not be able to control what’s going on in the world, but we can take absolutely take the reins of our health to care for ourselves and one another.

Here are my top ten mindfulness tips for staying healthy during these uncertain times and beyond:

Practice gratitude.

Take a few moments to write down everything you’re grateful for in your life, even the little things that make you smile. It’s amazing how a grateful heart can shapeshift your day.

Make your bed, every day.

This small task will help you create a sense of accomplishment and it inspires you to keep going and it leads to greater productivity. Making your bed is proof that the little things are the big things.

Start your day with superfoods.

Do your best to fill your shopping cart with good, unprocessed healthy foods and buy what’s in season. By eating a balanced diet that is full of variety, you can guarantee that you’re eating enough essential nutrients and taking care of your immune system. Need a little extra boost? Try adding some spirulina, acai berry or maca powder into your morning smoothie for an extra boost of energy and immunity.

Move your body.

If you’re feeling a little sluggish and in need of a little boost of bliss, move your body and be grateful for the opportunity to be able to move. While Soul Cycle and Core Power Yoga might be closed, you can still get your workout in at home.

Consider a few rounds of Sun Salutations when you wake up to energize your day, or sign up for some online yoga classes, HIIT sessions or pilates. Instead of doing one, prolonged workout every day, break up your physical activity into several short sessions. Take a walk around the block while you’re taking a phone call or do a few squats next to your desk to get your circulation going and refresh your mind.

Stay hydrated.

Feeling a little tired? Consider reaching for some water before a caffeinated drink or sugary treat. Sometimes a dip in energy levels is because our bodies need more water. Not only does staying hydrated help maintain energy levels but it also keeps your joints and skin healthy. There have been some suggestions that staying hydrated can improve your mood. So drink up and stay happy!

Spring Clean - Clear Space, Clear Mind.

Our homes have turned into an epicenter where the majority of our lives revolve: work, school, dining, entertainment, and exercise. It’s so easy to let the clutter pile up, but creating (and maintaining!) a calm, uncluttered environment will enhance both productivity and joy. 

One of the most important places (in addition to my bedroom) that I love to keep clear is my desk. I clear away all unrelated items off of my workspace and add one thing that sparks joy when I look at it such as a crystal or a vase of fresh flowers (thanks Marie Kondo!) to keep my work environment inspiring. 

If you’re looking to spring clean your body with a detox or cleanse, here’s some inspiration: Spring Cleaning

Get Outside.

Nothing beats a little natural Vitamin D. Not only is Vitamin D good for our bone and cell growth, it also helps strengthen our immune functions, and helps reduce inflammation.

In addition to decreasing stress levels, being immersed in nature can help you feel more positive. Fresh air and sunshine are magic makers!


Whether you take a few deep, slow breaths or practice meditation, deep conscious breathing helps to clear your mind and lower the flight-or-fight response by sending more oxygen to the brain and allowing your body to relax.

In addition to meditation, journaling is another useful tool to declutter your mind. Meditation and journaling are great ways to get clear about what you’re feeling and to ground your thoughts and emotions. A few minutes a day to meditate or journal can help you feel so much more grounded and centered.

Slow Down.

Waking up and jumping on your iPhone right away can be overwhelming as the work emails pour in and you see all the things you might have missed out on as you scroll through Social Media. Starting your day with some time to yourself can help you clarify and prioritize your day. In addition to keeping your phones off an hour after you wake up, try turning off your screens an hour before bed to help transition into a calmer and more restful sleep.

Stay Connected.

Stay connected to yourself - hello, Self-Care - and to others. The quality of our relationships very much determines the quality of our lives, and feeling emotionally connected and supported can be powerful in this time of uncertainty. It’s important to take the time to reach out to loved ones and friends, especially those who are living alone or maybe feeling especially vulnerable. Yes, Zoom is great and there are other ways to connect if you don’t have time to schedule a group chat. Whether you send a sweet love note to a family member or friend through social media, drop a Thinking of You note in the post, or even go old school and call them on your phone.

We can also connect to others by being of service. Consider exploring ways that you can use your time, skills, or resources for the benefit of someone else. There are many ways to get involved—contacting the American Red Cross or Meals on Wheels to see how you can help, supporting your local businesses, or sharing gift cards for a neighbor who lost their job. Altruism has been shown to lift one’s own mood and create greater well-being for yourself and it spreads a sense of belonging and hope.